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洞悉行業趨勢和撐握所有使用 CINNOX 的竅門。

CINNOX 推出聊天翻譯功能,打破語言障礙

以下是 Chat Translation 如何讓您能夠在全球與客戶無語言障礙地互動。

透過 CINNOX 人工智能助理重塑客戶體驗

CINNOX 虛擬助手不僅僅提供快速、相關的回應和個性化互動。

您的客服盟友:探索 CINNOX 虛擬助理的變革力量


了解關於 BYOC 和 BYON 的一切

CINNOX 讓企業可以將現有的服務號碼轉移到平台上,以保持他們已經熟悉的品牌記憶和服務品質的一致性。

甚麼是 VoIP 及其工作原理

隨著全球各地的企業紛紛擁抱數位化,VoIP 的角色不僅僅是在互聯網上進行語音通話。

如何通過 CINNOX 提升您的短信互動策略

透過將短信互動數據與其他數據集成,CINNOX 為您建立更具行動力的智能數字生態系統。

CX Blueprint for
E-commerce Success

Let’s face the fact. Today, starting a business is easier than answering ‘where do you see yourself...
Omnichannel Customer Engagement
E-commerce and Retail
cloud communications

Why You Need an All-Seeing, All-Knowing Experience Platform

Let’s face the fact. Today, starting a business is easier than answering ‘where do you see yourself...
Omnichannel Customer Engagement
E-commerce and Retail
cloud communications

CX Blueprint for
E-commerce Success

Let’s face the fact. Today, starting a business is easier than answering ‘where do you see yourself...
Omnichannel Customer Engagement
E-commerce and Retail
cloud communications

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Link your Zapier account with CINNOX for seamless integrations and empower your business operations.

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